good stuff is the first single taken from luomos plus album, appearing in september 2011 on moodmusic records. luomo aka vladislav delay, sistol, uusitalo… under a raft of names finnish artist sasu ripatti has in the last years experimented with ambient, broken beat, glitch as well as grooves and house music with soulful vocals, working with scissor sisters, black dice, apparat, craig armstrong, massive attack, robert owens and towa tei. luomo is about experimenting with pop music, a big influence for ripatti, and bringing it to a fusion of house, disco and electronica. plus is the 5th album for luomo, taking the songwriter abilities of ripatti to a new level, dwelling deep into first generation chicago house and the pop sensibilities of 80s london, coupled with his impeccable crossover pop appeal. never going for a one formula approach, plus has a distinct luomo sound - hypnotic, sexy and delicately insistent, rhythms following a self-movement and never standing still. good stuff brings luomos pop abilities to top-form, changing between a mid 80s boogie bass and synthetic yet warm deep house with a positive vocal deliver from the ever intriguing chicago boys. remixes comes courtesy of area & dave dk.