gregor schwellenbach hat einen radikal einfachen ansatz für die musik zum tanzfilm-essay >the body as archive< gewählt. mit seiner filmmusik hat er eine art katalog von klängen geschaffen, die klar und deutlich geordnet sind, die in ihrer schlichtheit, ja: nacktheit präsentiert werden.
deluxe book-style package, includes artist notes, complete musical scores and photographs - 2x12 lp + cd.
in 20 years of kompakt no one ever got bored: the cologne-based label always knew how to maintain its geographic and stylistic positioning on the fence. we owe that to all those great – and also wildly different – artists who have found their way to us in two exciting, sometimes exhausting, always inspiring decades. from the borderlands between faux pop and cheerful science also comes colognes multi-instrumentalist gregor schwellenbach, who separated 20 label classics from their dance roots and re-recorded them as chamber music.
you can enter: artist title label in this search field at the same time e.g.: Kalkbrenner Berlin Bpitch inverted commas for exact word order, e.g.: "in between"